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Add a pop of style to your current jacket with November's DIY of the Month: Detachable Collar & Cuffs.
Accessorize using faux fur or sherpa to coordinate with your personal taste or winter wardrobe. Check out our FREE customizable DIY for options to get fancy.
Add Faux Fur or Sherpa accents to your current jacket with options for a short and long collar. The cuff instructions can be made to coordinate with both Sherpa and Faux Fur.
Note: The fabric recomendations will change when the pattern is altered. It’s best to measure your altered pattern before buying fabric.
Download the collar pattern from our website. Decide which pattern you would like to make as there are two to choose from: The Sherpa Shirt Collar or the Long Fur Collar (Both patterns are in the same PDF download). The type of jacket you have will determine which collar to use. Print and tape the pages together and cut out the pattern with paper scissors. Make alterations using the pattern adjustment guide. You will need to measure across the back of the bodice from shoulder to shoulder along the collar seam. Place the pattern piece over your collar to make sure the size is right.
Here are some recomendations of jackets that would best pair with each collar:
Sherpa Shirt Collar: Bomber Jacket, Harring Jacket, Car Coat.
Long Fur Collar Collar: Trench Coat, Over Coat, Blazer.
Note: The steps of the collar are the same for the Sherpa Shirt Collar and the Long Fur Collar. The pictures for these steps are of the Long Fur Collar because there are more tips for sewing with this collar than the Sherpa Shirt Collar.
The thickness of the jacket’s material could influence the fit of the detachable collar. The shoe clips fit best on approximatly 2mm thickness of fabric. Feel free to add more shoe clips for additional stability.
Place the pattern on the wrong side of the material and pin. Cut out this shape using fabric scissors.
Tip: When using faux fur, check that the pile is pointing towards the ends of the collar. Trim the outer edge of the fur pile shorter or comb it towards the middle.
Pin the lining collar pattern to the lining fabric and cut it out with fabric scissors.
Mark with chalk an X on the right side of the fabric. The pattern will indicate the placement of the X.
Tip: The lining must be 2mm smaller than the top fabric all the way around the edges.
Place and pin the right sides together of the lining and the collar leaving 4" (10cm) in the centre open.
Stitch around the edges with a seam allowance of 5/8" (15mm) and backstitch.
Tip: Smooth the fur pile towards the centre of the collar when pinning.
To reduce bulk, trim the seam allowances down close to the seam line except where the unstitched opening is. Trimming the seam allowance will help when the collar is turned inside out.
Turn the collar inside out using the unstitched opening. Finger press the seam from the inside and pull out any fur trapped in the seam to reveal a near finished look.
Fold the opening seam allowances into the inside centre of the collar and hand sew the opening closed.
Hand sew the shoe clips onto the X markings of the collar. The clips will allow you to clip the collar to your jacket.
Clip the detachable collar to the edge of the collar on the jacket.
Note: This pattern will be the same for all materials used to make the sleeves. The maker can make alterations to make the sleeve longer and wider by using the pattern adjustment guide.
The thickness of the jacket’s material could influence the fit of the detachable cuffs. The shoe clips fit best on approximatly 2mm thickness of fabric. Feel free to add more shoe clips for additional stability.
Download the cuff pattern from our website. Tape the pages together and cut out the pattern with paper scissors.
Measure the circumference of your arm with your jacket on and adjust the length of your cuff accordingly following the pattern adjustment instructions. This pattern is made for a 7.5" (19cm) wrist.
Make alterations using the pattern adjustment guide.
Fold fabric in half along the fold line, matching up the notches with right sides together. Push the fur towards the inside as you pin.
Sew the fur 1/2" (13cm) along the edge with the notches. Backstitch at the beginning and end.
Begin to turn the cuff right side out and stop halfway, when the open edges meet.
Pin the open edges together, pushing the fur inside the cuff.
Sew the seam together 1/2" (1.3cm),
leaving a 2" (5cm) opening.
Backstitch at the beginning and
Flip the cuff right side out through the opening.
Hand stitch the opening closed.
Hand stitch two shoe clips onto each side of the cuff from the inside. The clips should be on the edge to be able to also clip onto the sleeve.
Clip the collar to the edge of the jacket sleeve.
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